What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?

  • Science of positively impacting socially significant behaviors through evidence-based treatment.

  • Ethically sound & acceptable to all stakeholders.

  • Decades of peer-reviewed research has shown that intensive ABA treatment is the most successful approach for children with autism.

  • Widely recognized by several sources including the U.S. Surgeon General, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Institute of Mental Health.

  • The Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

  • Graduate-level certification in behavior analysis.

  • Independent practitioners who provide behavior-analytic services.

  • In addition, BCBAs supervise the work of Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts, Registered Behavior Technicians, and others who implement behavior-analytic interventions (Visit https://www.bacb.com/bcba/ for more information).